
  • Heartwood tends to be medium to dark brown with varying reddish or purplish hues. It’s been reported that some pieces even have streaks of yellow or greenish brown.
  • Grain is interlocked with medium texture and a smooth waxy feel.
  • Very durable and decay resistant.
  • Resilient to termites and most other dry-wood borers.
  • Can be difficult to work due to its density and grain, if grain pattern isn’t too interlocked then it can be surface planed to a smooth finish.
  • Due to the wood’s high silica content, it can cause a blunting effect on cutters.
  • Gluing can be difficult due to the materials high oil content.
  • Preboring is necessary before nailing and screwing.
  • The heartwood glows under blacklight to help distinguish it from Ipe.

***FUN FACT: This tree is usually cultivated for its vanilla-cinnamon scented seed which contains a chemical compound called coumarin. ***



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